CZ-Pn XV A 10
ms. XV A 10
Source type:
Formal description:
perg.; ff. I+380; 38 x 27 cm; illum.
a. 1370-1380 (Brodský)
notatio rhombica
Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis
Breviarium notatum, pars hiemalis [Bartoš: Vesperarium svatovítské]
Identification note:
f. 179r: Post hoc dyacones et subdyacones canonici stantes in pulpito, quod est inter capellam sancti Wenceslai et hostium magnum ecclesie [...]. Post hec dyaconi et subdyaconi vicarii stantes in pulpito ante capellam sancti Thome apostoli [...]
f. I | Fragmentum missalis |
ff. 1r-6v | CALENDARIUM |
ff. 7r-244v | PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE (Dominica I in Adventu Domini ~ Sabbato infra octavam Penthecosten) |
ff. 244v-332r | PROPRIUM DE SANCTIS (s. Barbarae ~ s. Anthonii) |
ff. 332r-338v | Lectiones |
ff. 339r-362r | COMMUNE SANCTORUM |
f. 362r-362v | In divisione apostolorum leccio |
ff. 362v-367v | Festa votiva |
ff. 368r-369v | Lectiones et responsoria de BMV |
f. 370r-370v | Orationes |
ff. 370r-376v | Additamenta (orationes et responsoria ad festa proprii de sanctis et de commune sanctorum |
ff. 376v-378v | Lectiones de BMV (manu post.) |
ff. 379r-380v | Officium de s. Thoma Aquino Felix Thomas, doctor ecclesie (sine notis musicis) |
Bartoš (1927), No. 3543; Brodský (2000), No. 201, p. 219; Nejedlý (1904), p. 55; Lipphardt (1981), vol. IV, pp. 1188–1190; Pokorný (1970); Plocek (1989), vol. 3, pp. 730–735; Eben (1992); Czagány (1996); Czagány (1999); Czagány (2002); Evers - Janota (2013), vol. 1,2, pp. 753–756 (= LOO 672)
Representative notated breviary from the last decades of the fourteenth century that also includes detailed rubrics with repertory for processions and the Mass. Easter play on f. 192r-v edited in Lipphardt (Plocek (1989) and again in Evers - Janota (2013).