Sources with sequences

Displaying 1 - 68 of 68
Siglum Source type Provenance Century Section
A-Wn 15501 Graduale Kutná Hora (Kuttenberg), Bohemia 16th century IndSeq
A-Wn 4642 Graduale Bohemia 15th century IndSeq
A-Wn Mus. Hs. 15493 Graduale Bechyně, OSF 15th century IndSeq
A-Wn Mus. Hs. 15494 Graduale Bechyně (OSF) 15th century IndSeq
CZ-CHRm 12580 Graduale Chrudim 16th century IndSeq
CZ-HKm Hr-6 Graduale Hradec Králové 16th century IndSeq
CZ-HORm Sg 487 Graduale Bohemia, Prácheň (ecclesia sancti... 15th century IndSeq
CZ-OLm R 59 Missale Olomouc 13th century IndSeq
CZ-OLu M III 44 Missale 14th century IndSeq
CZ-OLu M III 6 Missale Olomouc (verisimiliter) 14th century, 15th century IndSeq
CZ-OLu M III 7 Missale Olomouc 15th century IndSeq
CZ-OLu M IV 1 Graduale Monasterium Lucensis (Louka), OPraem 15th century IndSeq
CZ-OLu M IV 2 Graduale Monasterium monialium s. Clarae 15th century IndSeq
CZ-OLu M IV 3 Graduale Uherské Hradiště, monasterium OFM 15th century, 16th century IndSeq
CZ-Pa 376 Bohemia 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pak Cim 6 Missale Episcopatus Olomucensis 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pak P IV Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 15th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pak P V Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 15th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pak P VIII Sequentiarium Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 14th century IndSeq, MLEP, Netvor
CZ-PLm 501 A 001 Missale Conventus Sancti Adalberti OP, Ústí nad... 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pn II C 7 Praha 15th century IndSeq, Netvor
CZ-Pn XII A 1 Graduale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 14th century, 15th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pn XII B 17 Missale Plzeň, Ecclesia sancti Bartholomei;... 15th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pn XII F 14 Graduale Jistebnice, Bohemia 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pn XIII B 17 Missale Bohemia 14th century MLEP, IndSeq
CZ-Pn XIII B 8 Missale Bohemia 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pn XIII B 9 Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 14th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pn XIII C 18 Missale Bohemia 13th century, 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pn XIII E 8 Graduale IndSeq
CZ-Pn XIV A 1 Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 15th century MLEP, IndSeq
CZ-Pn XVI A 10 Missale Bohemia 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pn XVI A 12 Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 15th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pn XVI A 13 Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 15th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pn XVI A 16 Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 14th century IndSeq, MLEP
CZ-Pn XVI B 11 Missale Bohemica (Brodský: cuiusdami monasterii... 13th century, 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pn XVI D 16 Missale Praha, Ecclesia Cathedralis 15th century MLEP, IndSeq
CZ-Pst DA I 4 Graduale Monasterium ordinis fratrum minorum in... 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pst DA I 5 Graduale Praha, Monasterium Strahov OPraem IndSeq
CZ-Pst DA II 23 Missale Praha, Monasterium Strahov OPraem 16th century IndSeq
CZ-Pst DF I 1 Graduale Praha, Monasterium Strahov OPraem 16th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu 39 D 7 Missale Plzeň 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu 59 R 5131 Corpus officiorum 15th century IndSeq, Netvor
CZ-Pu I E 12 Graduale Bohemia, OSF 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu I G 39 Bohemia 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu IV D 19 Sequentiarium Praha, Universitas 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu VI B 24 Graduale Bohemia, ecclesia s. Castulli in Praga... 16th century IndSeq, Netvor
CZ-Pu VI B 9 [aliud] Český Krumlov, Monasterium OClar 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu VI G 3a Corpus officiorum Monasterium s. Georgii (OSB) in castro... 14th century, 15th century IndSeq, Netvor
CZ-Pu XII A 9 Corpus officiorum Bohemia 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XII E 15a Processionale Monasterium s. Georgii (OSB) in castro... 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIII F 30 Sequentiarium Bohemica 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIII H 3c Processionale Monasterium monialium sancti Georgii in... 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIV A 1 Graduale Kouřim, Bohemia 15th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIV B 15 [aliud] Český Krumlov, Monasterium OFM 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIV B 17 Missale Bohemia - Těchobuzy 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIV C 3 Missale Chotěšov, OPraem 14th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XIV G 46 Corpus officiorum Monasterium s. Georgii (OSB) in castro... 14th century, 15th century IndSeq, Netvor
CZ-Pu XXIII A 1 Graduale Bohemia 15th century, 16th century IndSeq
CZ-Pu XXIII F 56 Missale 15th century IndSeq
CZ-R 418 Graduale Monastery Rajhrad, OSB 12th century IndSeq
CZ-TPk E 45 Graduale Monasterium Teplá OPraem 15th century IndSeq
CZ-TPk E 46 Graduale Teplá OPraem 15th century, 16th century IndSeq
CZ-TPk E 9 Missale Teplá OPraem 15th century IndSeq
CZ-VB 42 [aliud] Vyšší Brod OCist 15th century IndSeq
CZ–Pn XIII B 2 Graduale Bohemia 14th century IndSeq
CZ–Pu I D 33 Missale Bohemia 15th century IndSeq
D-Mbs 23286; MüT (RISM) Graduale Praha (d. von Huebner: Ecclesia Omnium... 15th century IndSeq
PL-WRu 1714 Graduale Bohemia 15th century IndSeq